World Cube Association

Last Updated ? July 4, 2004




The World Cube Association is an organization designed to help organize and regulate the cubing community.




The World Cubing Association has the following objectives:


1.     To promote the Rubik?s Cube and other similar puzzles;

2.     To establish a body that governs and recognizes records on such puzzles;

3.     To host competitive tournaments for these puzzles;

4.     To form a community for those interested in such puzzles.




Currently, people cannot obtain membership for the World Cube Association.? Membership details are currently being developed and will hopefully be ready by August of 2004.? The following are the current ideas for membership with the WCA.


Everyone can be a member of the World Cube Association.? In order to join, people need to register either by sending in a registration sheet, submitting an online registration page, or by attending and registering at a WCA sponsored tournament.


Membership dues will exist to provide a very small amount of revenue for the World Cube Association.? Also, membership dues will help establish the WCA as a valid non-profit organization and also encourage activity among WCA members.


Membership dues will be on the order of $5 per year.? Membership dues may also instead by included in tournament registration fees rather than on an annual basis.




Affiliates are clubs and organizations that are registered with the World Cube Association and are recognized as active respectable cube groups.? In order to become an affiliate, the club or organization must apply to the World Cube Association and must satisfy the following criteria:


1.     Have hosted at least one informal competition following the WCA guidelines with at least 20 competitors;

2.     Have at least 5 members;

3.     Is in good standing with the WCA;

4.     Fully understand and comply with all guidelines set forth by the WCA.


Affiliates of the World Cube Association will have the following benefits:


1.     Ability to run and host official WCA sponsored tournaments and competitions;

2.     Ability to host official WCA sponsored cube and puzzle sessions;

3.     Ability to host official WCA sponsored cube and puzzle gatherings.


Affiliate status is granted to a club or organization if and only if 2/3 or more members of the World Cube Association board approve of the application.


The details for applying for WCA Affiliate status are still currently being developed.? Most likely, applications will be submitted through an online form.


Board Members


Currently, there are three people on the World Cube Association board.? They are:




Date Appointed




Ron van Bruchem

The Netherlands

July 4, 2004

Christopher Hardwick

United States

July 4, 2004

Tyson Mao

United States

July 4, 2004


Board members will serve a term of two years.? The board may decide to add an additional board member if 3/4 or more members of the board approve of the appointment.


Elections for new board members will be conducted one month before the current board member?s position is scheduled to expire.? New board members will be elected by a majority of the World Cube Association members and must be approved by 2/3 or more members of the WCA board before they are appointed.? Board member candidates must be 18 years of age or older.




The World Cube Association is responsible for recognizing all official records on the Rubik?s Cube and other similar puzzles.? Records must satisfy the following criteria:


1.     Records must be set at official WCA sponsored tournaments.

2.     Records must be approved by 2/3 or more members of the WCA board.


If the WCA wishes to establish records that do not follow both criteria above, then the record must be approved by 3/4 or more members of the WCA before it is recognized by the WCA.


The World Cubing Association currently recognizes records for the following categories:


??????????? 3x3x3 Cube ? Speed Solve

1.     single solve

2.     5 solves, average of all but the fastest and slowest times

3.     12 solves, average of all but the fastest and slowest times


3x3x3 Cube ? Blindfold Solve

1.     blindfold solve including inspection time


4x4x4 Cube ? Speed Solve


More categories will be added pending the completion of the WCA sponsored US 2004 Cube Championships




A World Cubing Association sponsored tournament must follow the WCA guidelines.? In order to be an official WCA sponsored tournament, at least one board member of the WCA must be present to verify that indeed all of the conditions set forth by the WCA have been met.


The tournament must be approved by 2/3 or more members of the WCA board.


Speed Solve


Events categorized under Speed Solving must abide to the following procedure:


The Scramble

The puzzle is to be scrambled using a computer-generated scrambling algorithm.? The number of moves will vary for each puzzle and will be set by the WCA.? The scrambler of a tournament may not compete in the event for which he or she scrambles for.


The competitor may not see the puzzle while it is being scrambled or before the inspection period.


Inspection Period

Each competitor will be allotted 15 seconds (timed to the nearest second) to inspect the scrambled puzzle.? During this inspection time, the competitor is allowed to pick up the puzzle but he may not manipulate the puzzle in anyway.? If the competitor manipulates the puzzle, he or she is disqualified.


The competitor may end inspection any time before the 15 seconds have passed.

5 seconds before the allotted 15 seconds are over, the judge timing the inspection time will count down from 5 to 0.? After the judge has counted the remaining 5 seconds and the 15-second inspection period has expired, the competitor has 2 seconds (timed mentally by the judge) to place the puzzle down.? If he does not comply, the judge will add a 2 second penalty to the competitor?s final solve time.? If the competitor still does not place the cube down 5 seconds (timed mentally by the judge) after the 15-second inspection period has expired, the judge, after consulting with the tournament director, may disqualify the solve.


Starting the Solve

After the inspection period, the competitor shall place the puzzle back onto the timing pad in the orientation he wishes to begin the solve.? The judge will place one hand over the puzzle in order to obstruct the competitor?s view of the puzzle but will not move the puzzle nor will the judge make any rotations or manipulations of the puzzle.


The competitor shall place his hands flat on the sensors of the pad with the palms down.? The competitor may not have any physical contact with the puzzle before he or she begins the solve.


??????????? The judge will confirm that the timing pad has been reset and is ready for use.

When the judge and the competitor mutually agree that the competitor is ready to begin the solve, the judge will give a 3-second countdown.? After the countdown, he will remove his hand from the puzzle.


The competitor will have 3 seconds to begin his solve after the judge removes his hand.? If the competitor does not begin his solve after 3 seconds (timed mentally by the judge), the judge may add 2 seconds to the competitor?s solve time.? If the competitor does not begin the solve 7 seconds after the judge has removed his hand from the cube, the judge, after consulting with the tournament director, may disqualify the solve.


The Solve

While solving the puzzle, the competitor may not have any communication with anyone other than the judge.


While solving the puzzle, the competitor may not have any assistance from anyone.


Ending the Solve

The competitor ends the solve by placing the puzzle back onto the timing pad and then stopping the timing pad by returning both hands to the sensors of the pad.? It is the competitor?s responsibility to return his hands accurately and completely to the sensors of the pad.


After the competitor stops the timer, he may not touch the puzzle until the judge has inspected the puzzle.? A judge may disqualify a competitor for touching the puzzle before he has inspected the cube.? If a competitor manipulates the puzzle after the timer has been stopped, the solve is automatically disqualified.


The judge will inspect the puzzle and determine whether or not it has been completely solved.? The competitor may pick up his puzzle only after the judge has inspected the puzzle.


Blindfold Solve


Events categorized under Blindfold Speed Solving must abide to the following procedure:


The Scramble

The puzzle is to be scrambled using a computer-generated scrambling algorithm.? The number of moves will vary for each puzzle and will be set by the WCA.? The scrambler of a tournament may not compete in the event for which he or she scrambles for.


The competitor may not see the cube while it is being scrambled or before the inspection period.


The competitor is to be blindfolded if the puzzle is scrambled in the vicinity of the competitor.


Starting the Solve

??????????? The competitor is to be blindfolded.


The scrambled puzzle will be placed in front of the blindfolded competitor.


The competitor will place his hands flat on the surface on which the puzzle rests with the palms down.? The competitor may not touch the puzzle at this point.


After the judge and the competitor have mutually agreed that the competitor is ready to begin his solve, the judge will give a 3-second countdown.? After the countdown, the competitor may remove his blindfold and begin the inspection and or memorization.? The judge will start the timer.


The competitor may not manipulate the puzzle in any way.


Inspection and Memorization

The competitor will inspect and or memorize the puzzle status.? The competitor may not manipulate the puzzle in any way.


The Solve

The competitor will then don the blindfold.? The competitor may manipulate the puzzle only after the judge has verified that the competitor has properly donned the blindfold.? The judge shall not delay the competitor by more than 1 second.


While solving the puzzle, the competitor may not have any communication with anyone other than the judge.


While solving the puzzle, the competitor may not have any assistance from anyone.


The competitor may not look at the puzzle state at any time during the solve.


Ending the Solve

The competitor ends the solve by placing the puzzle back onto the surface.? The solve ends and the timer is stopped after the competitor no longer has any physical contact with the puzzle and verifies verbally that the solve is completed.


The judge will stop the timer immediately after clear verbal confirmation from the competitor that the solve has been completed.? The judge will also give a verbal confirmation that the timer has been stopped.


After the judge stops the timer, the competitor may not touch the puzzle until the judge has inspected the puzzle.? A judge may disqualify a competitor for touching the puzzle before he has inspected the cube.? If a competitor manipulates the puzzle after the timer has been stopped, the solve is automatically disqualified.


The competitor may remove his blindfold.


3x3x3 Cube ? Speed Solve


The Puzzle

The cube must be a standard 6-colored cube. The colors of the cube must be solid and clearly distinct from one another.  The cube must either have colored stickers or colored tiles.


The cube must be approved by the tournament director.


The Scramble

The puzzle will be scrambled with a computer-generated 25-move algorithm using half-turn metric notation.


The Solve

The competitor may return the cube to the solved state by any means.


Solve State

A cube is solved when all 6 sides are restored to solid color states.? All pieces of the cube must be attached to the cube for it to be solved.? If a piece of the cube is ejected as the cube is placed down but it otherwise solved, the cube is not considered to be in a solved state.? If a center cap is ejected from the cube, the cube, under discretion of the judge, is considered solved.


??????????? All pieces must be returned to their original starting location.


A face of the cube may be misaligned in the following matter.? A face of the cube may be misaligned by less than 45 degrees as defined by the WCA.? The inner corner of the cube on the misaligned face may not cross the inner edge of the corresponding middle slice.? For more information, see the diagram provided by the WCA.? If a cube is misaligned by more than the above criteria, a 2 second penalty will be added to the competitor?s solve time given that the cube is one quarter turn from the solved state otherwise.


If a cube is one quarter turn from completion, 2 seconds will be added to the solve time.


??????????? In all other cases, the solve is disqualified.


Only the resting state of the cube will be considered.? The cube must come to a complete stop in its solved state in order for the cube to be solved.


Puzzle Defects

??????????? In round the allow puzzle defects, the following rules apply:


If the center cap of the cube is ejected during the solve, the puzzle may be declared defect by the judge.? If the competitor wishes to continue the solve, he may do so at his own discretion.


If a piece is ejected from the cube, the competitor may declare a puzzle defect.


In order for the competitor to declare a puzzle defect, he must declare the puzzle defect ten seconds after the puzzle defect or three seconds after the reassembly of the puzzle.


A judge may decide not to award an extra solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.? The judge may disqualify a solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.


3x3x3 Cube One Handed ? Speed Solve


The Puzzle

The cube must be a standard 6-colored cube. The colors of the cube must be solid and clearly distinct from one another.  The cube must either have colored stickers or colored tiles.


The cube must be approved by the tournament director.


The Scramble

The puzzle will be scrambled with a computer-generated 25-move algorithm using half-turn metric notation.


The Solve

The competitor may return the cube to the solved state using only one hand.  Once a competitor touches a cube with one hand, he may not touch the cube with the other hand.  If at any time during the solve both hands have touched the cube, the solve is disqualified.


The competitor may only use one hand to manipulate the cube.


Solve State

A cube is solved when all 6 sides are restored to solid color states.? All pieces of the cube must be attached to the cube for it to be solved.? If a piece of the cube is ejected as the cube is placed down but it otherwise solved, the cube is not considered to be in a solved state.? If a center cap is ejected from the cube, the cube, under discretion of the judge, is considered solved.


??????????? All pieces must be returned to their original starting location.


A face of the cube may be misaligned in the following matter.? A face of the cube may be misaligned by less than 45 degrees as defined by the WCA.? The inner corner of the cube on the misaligned face may not cross the inner edge of the corresponding middle slice.? For more information, see the diagram provided by the WCA.? If a cube is misaligned by more than the above criteria, a 2 second penalty will be added to the competitor?s solve time given that the cube is one quarter turn from the solved state otherwise.


If a cube is one quarter turn from completion, 2 seconds will be added to the solve time.


??????????? In all other cases, the solve is disqualified.


Only the resting state of the cube will be considered.? The cube must come to a complete stop in its solved state in order for the cube to be solved.


Puzzle Defects

??????????? In round the allow puzzle defects, the following rules apply:


If the center cap of the cube is ejected during the solve, the puzzle may be declared defect by the judge.? If the competitor wishes to continue the solve, he may do so at his own discretion.


If a piece is ejected from the cube, the competitor may declare a puzzle defect.


In order for the competitor to declare a puzzle defect, he must declare the puzzle defect ten seconds after the puzzle defect or three seconds after the reassembly of the puzzle.


A judge may decide not to award an extra solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.? The judge may disqualify a solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.


4x4x4 Cube ? Speed Solve


The Puzzle

The cube must be a standard 6-colored cube. The colors of the cube must be solid and clearly distinct from one another.  The cube must either have colored stickers or colored tiles.


The cube must be approved by the tournament director.


The Scramble

The puzzle will be scrambled with a computer-generated 40-move algorithm using half-turn metric notation.


The Solve

The competitor may return the cube to the solved state by any means.


Solve State

A cube is solved when all 6 sides are restored to solid color states.? All pieces of the cube must be attached to the cube for it to be solved.? If a piece of the cube is ejected as the cube is placed down but it otherwise solved, the cube is not considered to be in a solved state.? If a center cap is ejected from the cube, the cube, under discretion of the judge, is considered solved.


A face of the cube may be misaligned in the following matter.? A face of the cube may be misaligned by less than 45 degrees as defined by the WCA.? The inner corner of the cube on the misaligned face may not cross the inner edge of the corresponding middle slice.? For more information, see the diagram provided by the WCA.? If a cube is misaligned by more than the above criteria, a 2 second penalty will be added to the competitor?s solve time given that the cube is one quarter turn from the solved state otherwise.


If a cube is one quarter turn from completion, 2 seconds will be added to the solve time.


??????????? In all other cases, the solve is disqualified.


Only the resting state of the cube will be considered.? The cube must come to a complete stop in its solved state in order for the cube to be solved.


Puzzle Defects

??????????? In round the allow puzzle defects, the following rules apply:


If the center cap of the cube is ejected during the solve, the puzzle may be declared defect by the judge.? If the competitor wishes to continue the solve, he may do so at his own discretion.


If a piece is ejected from the cube, the competitor may declare a puzzle defect.


In order for the competitor to declare a puzzle defect, he must declare the puzzle defect ten seconds after the puzzle defect or three seconds after the reassembly of the puzzle.


A judge may decide not to award an extra solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.? The judge may disqualify a solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.


5x5x5 Cube ? Speed Solve


The Puzzle

The cube must be a standard 6-colored cube. The colors of the cube must be solid and clearly distinct from one another.  The cube must either have colored stickers or colored tiles.


The cube must be approved by the tournament director.


The Scramble

The puzzle will be scrambled with a computer-generated 60-move algorithm using half-turn metric notation.


The Solve

The competitor may return the cube to the solved state by any means.


Solve State

A cube is solved when all 6 sides are restored to solid color states.? All pieces of the cube must be attached to the cube for it to be solved.? If a piece of the cube is ejected as the cube is placed down but it otherwise solved, the cube is not considered to be in a solved state.? If a center cap is ejected from the cube, the cube, under discretion of the judge, is considered solved.


A face of the cube may be misaligned in the following matter.? A face of the cube may be misaligned by less than 45 degrees as defined by the WCA.? The inner corner of the cube on the misaligned face may not cross the inner edge of the corresponding middle slice.? For more information, see the diagram provided by the WCA.? If a cube is misaligned by more than the above criteria, a 2 second penalty will be added to the competitor?s solve time given that the cube is one quarter turn from the solved state otherwise.


If a cube is one quarter turn from completion, 2 seconds will be added to the solve time.


??????????? In all other cases, the solve is disqualified.


Only the resting state of the cube will be considered.? The cube must come to a complete stop in its solved state in order for the cube to be solved.


Puzzle Defects

??????????? In round the allow puzzle defects, the following rules apply:


If the center cap of the cube is ejected during the solve, the puzzle may be declared defect by the judge.? If the competitor wishes to continue the solve, he may do so at his own discretion.


If a piece is ejected from the cube, the competitor may declare a puzzle defect.


In order for the competitor to declare a puzzle defect, he must declare the puzzle defect ten seconds after the puzzle defect or three seconds after the reassembly of the puzzle.


A judge may decide not to award an extra solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.? The judge may disqualify a solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.


3x3x3 Cube ? Blindfold Solve


The Puzzle

The cube must be a standard 6-colored cube. The colors of the cube must be solid and clearly distinct from one another.  The cube must either have colored stickers or colored tiles.


The cube may not have any textures that distinguish one sticker from another.


The cube must be approved by the tournament director.


The Scramble

The puzzle will be scrambled with a computer-generated 25-move algorithm using half-turn metric notation.


The Solve

The competitor may return the cube to the solved state by any means.


Solve State

A cube is solved when all 6 sides are restored to solid color states.? All pieces of the cube must be attached to the cube for it to be solved.? If a piece of the cube is ejected as the cube is placed down but it otherwise solved, the cube is not considered to be in a solved state.? If a center cap is ejected from the cube, the cube, under discretion of the judge, is considered solved.


??????????? All pieces must be returned to their original starting location.


A face of the cube may be misaligned in the following matter.? A face of the cube may be misaligned by less than 45 degrees as defined by the WCA.? The inner corner of the cube on the misaligned face may not cross the inner edge of the corresponding middle slice.? For more information, see the diagram provided by the WCA.? If a cube is misaligned by more than the above criteria, a 2 second penalty will be added to the competitor?s solve time given that the cube is one quarter turn from the solved state otherwise.


If a cube is one quarter turn from completion, 2 seconds will be added to the solve time.


??????????? In all other cases, the solve is disqualified.


Only the resting state of the cube will be considered.? The cube must come to a complete stop in its solved state in order for the cube to be solved.


Puzzle Defects

??????????? In round the allow puzzle defects, the following rules apply:


If the center cap of the cube is ejected during the solve, the puzzle may be declared defect by the judge.? If the competitor wishes to continue the solve, he may do so at his own discretion.


If a piece is ejected from the cube, the competitor may declare a puzzle defect.


In order for the competitor to declare a puzzle defect, he must declare the puzzle defect ten seconds after the puzzle defect or three seconds after the reassembly of the puzzle.


A judge may decide not to award an extra solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.? The judge may disqualify a solve if the competitor?s puzzle defect is ruled intentional under discretion of the judge.